We are proud to be a part of Walpole, Brands of Tomorrow - Baz & Co Skincare

We are proud to be a part of Walpole, Brands of Tomorrow

“Since its launch fifteen years ago, Walpole’s flagship development programme, Brands of Tomorrow, has been a key pillar of our work to drive the growth of the British luxury sector. So far, we’ve taken 142 early-stage, high-end brands through a tried and trusted programme of mentoring and masterclasses, immersing their founders in the support, help and advice of their fellow Walpole members and investing the time and talents of established British luxury brands into nurturing and developing the potential of new ones." HELEN BROCKLEBANK CEO, WALPOLE

Brands of Tomorrow helps aspiring British luxury companies of the future to fulfil their potential. These are brands with a turnover of under £5 million that will pioneer growth, export goods and services, create employment and drive innovation in luxury in the coming decades.

On Monday BAZ & CO had a top night at The Ned, where 12 emerging British luxury brands, including us, were showcased and championed. It is an absolute honour to be a part of Walpole's, Brands of Tomorrow and we are extremely grateful for all of your support!

Walpole is the official sector body for UK luxury. Founded in 1992 as a not-for-profit organisation, it counts more than 270 British brands in its membership. As the voice of British luxury, Walpole's purpose is to promote, protect and develop the luxury sector.

As part of Brands of Tomorrow, BAZ & CO is now enrolled in its unique mentoring programme. Participants, like us, are mentored by some of the UK’s most experienced luxury executives, editors and founders; whose focus is on the success and growth of the British luxury industry.

For more info about the programme TAP HERE